Wednesday 4 March 2015

Even if you didn’t experience dryness and other skin issues during winter, you need to make some important changes in order to get the most gorgeous glow for spring, starting with your moisturizer and foundation.

Try the best ways to transition skin care from winter to spring, in order to make sure that you’ll look your best once the weather warms up. From cleaning out your makeup kit to cutting back on some products, here’s what you need to know.

1. Start with Spring Cleaning

Throwing out any products that are past their expiration date is a must in order to freshen up your look for spring. You should also get rid of makeup and skin care products that have changed in consistency, smell or color. You should also clean your makeup brushes thoroughly, since the bacteria build-up can cause breakouts if you ignore them. Also, remember that products with SPF lose their effectiveness, and if they’re older than one year, they should also be replaced.
2. Change Your Moisturizer

When you’re adjusting skin care from winter to spring, the most important step is making sure that change your moisturizer with a lighter version. Once the weather is getting warm, heavy moisturizers that work wonders in dry, winter air should go. If you continue to use them, you won’t be able to balance your skin’s natural oil production and you might end up with clogged pores.
3. Exfoliate More Often

Getting rid of dead skin cells can help you transition to spring and make your skin glow. Use a gentle exfoliator more often than during the winter months in order to keep your skin looking best. Whether you prefer scrubs or peels, make sure that you’re increasing your exfoliation once winter is over.
4. Switch Your Foundation

The consistency of your foundation is one of the most important changes you should make when you’re trying to transition makeup and skin care from winter to spring. Go for lighter foundations, and leave the full coverage cream ones behind. You might even make the switch to a tinted moisturizer if you’re having an unusually warm spring.

5. Reconsider Your SPF

Even if you’ve been using the right SPF all winter, you should consider either changing it for a stronger one or applying it more often. Don’t rely on makeup products with SPF, since they’re usually not potent enough to really protect your skin from UVA/UVB radiation. Amp up your SPF level in order to make sure that your skin will look great this spring.
6. Forget Glycolic Acids and Retinoids in the Morning

When days are shorter and darker, you can use topical retinoids in the morning and glycolic acids before going out. But changing your skin care from winter to spring means that you should drop these ingredients which can increase sun sensitivity from your morning skin care routine.
7. Double Check Your Medication

Both oral and topical medications can increase sun sensitivity so your should be prepared to either use more SPF or using them in the evening. Some of the biggest culprits include tetracycline, doxycycline and isotretinoin (Accutate). Double check with your doctor if you’re using strong medication for acne and rosacea.

8. Book the Right Spa Treatments

One of most effective ways to transition your skin care from winter to spring is to get a good start with either microdermabrasion or a natural enzyme peel. You should also consider laser hair removal now, since it’s not recommended in the summer, when it’s harder to stay out of the sun after the procedure.
9. Adjust Your Lipstick

Creamy lipsticks that keep your lips hydrated during winter need to go. Even if you won’t make the jump to gloss for spring, make sure that your lipsticks have lighter textures, that still keep your lips looking great, but add a little freshness.
10. Try an Antioxidant Serum

Since you’ll be spending more time outdoors after you switch your skin care from winter to spring, you should also considering adding a good serum to your routine. Look for antioxidant rich serums, with or without vitamin C, that can help protect your skin better from free radical damage in the warmer months of the year.


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